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My name is Jamie Price. I am a full time, mom and wife. I also have a full-time career in Dentistry, that is my DREAM JOB. 

I never imagined that I would one day be selling custom wood pieces - of my own design! I have always been into crafting, upcycling, and anything that allowed me to express my creative side. When I was little, my Mom used to call me "clippy-snippy" because I always had a pair of scissors in my hand, cutting up paper! 

Upcycling and DIY projects because a regular every afternoon thing after I would get home from work. I needed a way to wind down and relax. I was constantly looking for ways to decorate my home or make my life a little easier by using things I already had around the house. 


One day I decided that I was tired of hanging my beautiful jewelry on thumbtacks and command hooks. Jewelry boxes were either too small or too big. They took up valuable real estate on my dresser and let's be honest, all the necklaces just ended up in a big wad in one of the drawers anyway.


So, I made my own jewelry organizer out of some reclaimed wood. More than one, actually. I made a jewelry organizer that met my personal jewelry needs. One that I could hang on the wall, and make more space on my floor/tabletops. A jewelry organizer that actually held all my jewelry and doubled as a display so that all my jewelry could be seen. No more rummaging through drawers or asking my 7-year-old to help me untangle necklaces. And as it turns out, these organizers met others' needs too, not just my own! Ladies (and gents) from all over started asking me to make one for them too! Before I knew it, I was shipping orders for my organizers across the country!


I have been into the craft hobby my entire life. But, creating these jewelry organizers sparked my passion for woodworking. 

I take great pride in every piece I make. Every item that craft, I craft it as if it were my own. As if it were going into my own home for display. 

I would LOVE to handcraft one of my personal designs for you or work together WITH you to create a custom piece!

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